Server Admins

  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    display your current user status

  • !pabalance

    Move as few players as needed to create teams balanced by numbers AND skill. Locked players are not moved.

  • !ban

    <name> [<reason>] - ban a player

  • !baninfo

    <name> - display how many bans a user has

  • !change

    [Player1] [Player2/None] Change team between (1 and 2) or (1 and you)

  • !clientinfo

    <name> <field> - get info about a client

  • !find

    <name> - test to find a connected player

  • !lastbans

    list the 5 last bans

  • !leveltest

    [<name>] - display a user's status

  • !list

    list all connected players

  • !spams

    list spam messages

  • !makereg

    <name> - add a player in the 'regular' group

  • !pamaprestart

    Restart the current map. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !notice

    <name> <notice> - add a good/bad behavior note for the player

  • !permban

    <name> [<reason>] - ban a player permanently

  • !proxylist

    Display the list of available proxy checker services

  • !proxyservice

    <service> <on|off> - enable/disable a proxy scanner service

  • !proxystats

    Display statistics about detected proxies

  • !scream

    <message> - yell a message to all player

  • !spam

    [player] <message> - spam a predefined message to all players or a given player

  • !spank

    <name> [<reason>] - spank a player, naughty boy!

  • !status

    report status of B3 bot

  • !trackdown

    [Player] track down player location

  • !unban

    <name> - un-ban a player

  • !warnremove

    <name> - remove a users last warning

  • !xlrhide

    <player> <on/off> - hide/unhide a player from the stats

Game screenshots